The weather was perfect for golf; Pine Ridge was, as usual in good condition (although the bunkers did have a mixture of sand) and once again proved to be a high scoring course for the society with the winner exceeding 40 points. The weather brought out a number of wintered white legs being exposed to the sun with a number of members donning shorts. A notable event for Michael Prevost, this being his 100th outing for the Society. Alan Sutcliffe having completed 3 matches as a guest has now joined the society.
On the course reports:
Darren, short of the green after his second shot on the short 7th chipped in for a birdie.
Alan Sutcliffe was seen running across to the far side of the 7th Fairway whilst playing the 8th and still managed to get two points for the hole.
Paul Risk liked the first Tee so much he played from it again whilst playing the 9th.
Frazer drove a ball into the tree's and with the loud clunk watched the ball ricochet to another tree and then to his horror head back towards him!! Fortunately he still managed to get past the ladies Tee.
Prev liked the bunkers so much he stayed a while to play; several shots later he reappeared- 4 on the 6th was one occasion, 3 on another and others that he did not like to elaborate on.
Darren on the Nearest the Pin in 2 hole contemplated what to do, blast one and then chip and run but risk trees etc. or play for position and then wedge it to the green. Eventually taking the 2nd option played into the trees but with suitable rebound found a path to the green where a low punch shot between trees ended up being nearest the pin. So a mixture of the two contemplations paid off!
Fines are proving very popular and start the moment you set foot in the club house. Our vice-captain, Dave Shorter, still has his school teacher instincts with note book in hand mentioned the number of lines on the page, eagle eyed noted yours truly struggling to open a sweet with his coffee and promptly ended up with fine number 1 of the day.
A sample of other fines were:
Alan Sutcliffe losing his car keys only to find them in his bag.
The team of Risky, Darren and Ian were fined for Darren's wayward shot on the 17th landing close to the 18th Tee - Captain was there and the lack of 'Fore' cost them.
Derek Carter was fined for not wearing shorts to match his group.
Chris was fined for putting his club in Wags bag who was then also fined for having too many clubs in his bag!!
Risky shook hands with his team mates on the 18th with his Hat On.
Dave was fair though and fined himself for an unreported incident at East Berks. He was shedding clothes whilst driving out of the course.
The high scoring at Pine Ridge continued and Macca put together a very good round and a mammoth 43 Points - well played.
Winner: Paul Donlevy - 43 Points
2nd: Darren Anderson - 41 Points
Strongest Man: John Waghorn - 22 Points
Skill Prizes:
Longest Drive (7th): Frazer Webb
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots (16th): Darren Anderson
Nearest The Pin (17th): Bryan Carter
Nearest The Pin in 3 shots (9th): Bryan Carter
The photo shows our Vice Captain Dave Shorter presenting the 1st prize to winner "Heraclio Bernal".
Google it!!! Well done Macca.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill