Mill Ride hosted our April event for 2014 with a record number of attendee's matching our last event. 27 names on the list, 4 guests, unfortunately Alan Wood did not materialise, John Waghorn booked the wrong day off and John Thorp sustained a back injury but turned up to support, so eventual playing numbers dropped to 24. Welcome to new members, Dave Wood, Derek Carter and Les Wheeler.
The course once again showed itself to be tough and long again with no one making handicap.
A couple of notable events from the course:
On hole 7, Macca's (Paul Donlevy) putt lipped out on the hole covering the complete 360 degrees but it remained above ground. Both Ian and Wozza looked amazed as Macca said something that my typing skills could not reproduce! Wozza subsequently explained the rules (which he had done several times already) and just before Macca went to pick the ball up it dropped!! All within the 10 seconds allowed.
Mark Turvill hit Derek Carter's trolley
Peter Carfrae - known as OAP - One Arm Pete, did not lose a ball.
Paul Risk lost 3 balls on the 18th, Paul Beard felt he had lost enough and did not fine him.
Frazer Webb hit a tree and the ball ended up further away from the hole.
Chris Turvill played his 3rd shot on the Par 5 10th from the 9th Tee but managed still to par the hole.
John Thorp after the meal needed a quick puff, struggled to get out of the dining room door, after a couple of kicks realised the latch at the bottom needed lifting!
Our captain spotted various "mister meaner's" resulting in fines, samples below:
Mark Turvill was found to have too many clubs in his bag - the extra were two chocolate club biscuits!
With the amount of water on the course it was no surprise that a Dambuster Shot was reported, Dave Flavell on hole 3 obliged.
Risky beat Colin Turvill on count back with a back nine high score of 5!!
Dave Flavell, Colin and Darren Anderson shook hands on the 18th - with Hats On!
Tony Browne littered the course with balls.
1st: Dave Wood - 33 Points (on count back) - winning his first ever event as a member!
2nd: Frazer Webb - 33 Points
Best Guest: Tony Farmer - 26 Points
Strongest Man: Tony Browne
Skill Prizes:
Nearest The Pin (11th): Tony Farmer
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots (7th): Dave Sturgeon
Nearest The Pin in 3 shots (18th): Mark Turvill
Longest Drive (16th): Bryan Carter
The photo shows Captain Paul Beard presenting the 1st prize to winner Dave Wood. Well done Dave.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill