Burnham Beeches Golf Course hosted our first event of the 2014 season following the cancellation of East Berks due to the very wet winter we have had. The society saw a leap in numbers with 7 guests leading to a society record of 27 attending. Let's hope this is the start that continues through the season.
Not only the first event of the year but the first event for our new Captain - Paul (I can't control my trolley) Beard. He introduced the society to fines for on course "mister minas" so beware - there are no fines for snitchers!!
This was also the 'Day Before' event for Matthew Turvill. The day before his wedding!! How did he get away leaving his fiancee to finish the final changes!! We wish him and his bride the best for the future.
The course was in good condition and the greens exceptionally quick and true for the time of year. The weather threatened at the beginning but it turned out fine.
Not much on course comments, so we must of all played without incident? Just a couple of notes:
Paul Risk struggled to get of the first Tee - Literally as the ball did not move far from his Tee but did manage to pass the ladies Tee - Just!! Good start to the season Paul.
Dave Flavell, onto what was an exceptional round, on the 13th just cleared the ladies Tee with his Tee shot but recovered onto the green with his second.
Michael Prevost managed to hit the ball backwards - a shot worthy of fine for sure.
Peter Carfrae managed to play the 11th in such a way that he never used the green but still managed a four.
Dave Flavell has transformed his game over the winter; the practice on his cruise obviously has paid dividends. From last year's 21st place here he lost the 2 and came in 1st. A first and well deserved win - well done Dave. 24 points on front nine followed by 6 points on first 6 on the back nine, but a strong 7 on last three.
Tony Boon was strongest man - a guest who I hope will not be put off coming again.
Results were:
1st Place - Dave Flavell
2nd - Our perennial bride - Bryan Carter 35 points
Nearest the Pin in 2 (1st Hole) - Paul Donlevy, AKA Macca
Nearest the Pin (3rd Hole) - Bryan Carter
Nearest Pin in 3 (16th Hole) - Bryan Carter
Longest Drive (18th Hole) - Paul Healy
The photo shows our new Captain Paul Beard presenting the 1st prize to winner Dave Flavell. Well done Dave.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill