Firstly, All Bunkers members were amazed and really pleased to welcome Dave Shorter back to playing status and hope this helps with his continued recovery. A close eye was kept on him by his future Son-in Law who walked whilst his Uncle Colin hitched a ride with Dave - keep the young ones fit.
We returned to Pine Ridge for another 'Hook and Slice Masters'. Last year the event was won by Mark Harris with a score of 43 points - could this be matched?? Could John Thorp stay on his feet the whole way round and not break any bones?? We also welcomed Paul Healy to his first game as a member - a new name for a trophy in the future.
The course was once again set up well for a society and the greens very consistent. As usual a lot of chat on how close they were, or if only I had done this or not done that or how many Putts did not drop!! John Thorp did manage to not break any bones, on the first Tee he was obviously worried though and managed to hit a Tee shot that did not pass the ladies Tee - recovered well to card a 5, he did fall over though on the 11th where he fell up the steps onto the Tee but thankfully stood up unscathed. The trees, although a lot of them, often allowed you to find the ball and play out, Colin and Dave Shorter spent a lot of time in the trees', John Thorp's second shot on the 18th hit a tree square on and rebounded back towards to the Tee.
The skill prizes were a subject of much discussion, the final 3 holes of the round saw the nearest the pin holes. In 2 on the short 16th saw Mark Harris's tee shot reach the green side bunker and the next shot ended inches from the hole. Well done Mark. The 17th for nearest the pin was hotly contested with Ian T and Chris T both beating the holder Colin T, Chris being inches closer than Dad. The final hole was even nervier, with the leader in the club house watching intently, Matthew cursing anyone who was close having hit his 3rd Shot (a putt) to within a few inches, along came the last group, Mark T's second shot was just off the green, could his third go in the hole - sadly not - Matt breathed a sigh of relief. The longest Drive, on the 10th, was won by Darren who has only won this once before.
The event was won by Chris T who did not match Mark H's 43 points last year but did come close. He played holes 7 to 18 in level par with 1 bogey, 10 pars & 1 birdie - great play Chris.
Results were:
Winner: Chris Turvill - 42 Points
Strongest man: Dave Shorter
Longest Drive: Darren Anderson
Nearest Pin: Chris Turvill
Nearest Pin in 2: Mark Harris
Nearest Pin in 3: Matt Turvill
See you all at The Drift on the 6th June.
The photo shows Captain Mark Harris presenting the 1st prize to winner Chris Turvill.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill