The season opener was again hosted by East Berkshire. A good turnout of 17, including 2 first time guests, ventured to the course and were greeted by mild & dry conditions overhead. On the whole the course was a lot wetter and despite 3 temporary greens played very well.
A common theme is now appearing over each event with a big group of players bunched very tightly with their final scores. This event was no exception with 14 of the 17 players only separated by 7 points. However, our winner was found a further 7 points ahead of the main group.
Before the results some reports from around the course:
Paul Beard was very busy on the course - presumably worried about making his evening function after the golf. He started the round with his trousers tucked in his socks, then took 3 shots to pass the ladies tee's on the 2nd finally pushed his trolley towards next tee forgetting he left the power on... cue him running after it!
Kevin Harris pushed his approach a long way right on the 5th, bounce off the 6th tee where the group in front were teeing off and bounce down each step to the path - we are more accustomed to seeing that type of golf at the crazy/adventure course.
John Thorp chipped in on successive holes - well done John
Chris Turvill managed to push his tee shot a long way right on the 9th only to hit the fence next to the path and rebound across to the front of the green.
John "Clint Eastwood" Waghorn: the good the bad and the ugly...chipped in on 16, broke a club (not on the same hole!) and was regularly heard chuntering to himself about the shot he had just attempted!
Mark Harris also joined in the fun with a chip in from 25yrds on the 3rd...thankfully it went in otherwise it would have been 25yrds past and very close to the ditch!
Mark, Tony, Chris & Alan had to push the course marshall's buggy out of the mud - unfortunately 2 of the 8 legs took on a large amount of mud from the spinning back wheels!
So to the prizes - Matt Turvill played some excellent golf after a slow start to post the large 40 points playing off his new reduced - 1 time only handicap of 15! It will be 13 next time out for Matt - well played.
Results were:
Winner; Matt Turvill
Runner up; James Morris
Longest Drive; Matt Turvill
Nearest Pin; Bryan Carter
Nearest Pin in 2; Kevin Harris
Nearest Pin in 3; Kevin Harris
Strongest Man; John Waghorn
See you all at Burnham Beeches on the 27th March.
The photo shows our Captain Mark Harris presenting the 1st prize to winner Matt Turvill. Mini me comes to mind with the hairstyles! Well done Matt.
Information collection Executive; Matt Turvill
VP Note taker and Columnist; Mark Turvill
Editor in Chief; Chris Turvill