SandMartins - 21st September 2001

13 Players


Weather conditions: Calm, sunny and fairly warm

18 hole Individual Stableford Competition

Longest Drive (16th hole)
Paul Warren (20)

Nearest the Pin (4th hole)
Michael Prevost (27)


Weather conditions: Calm, sunny and fairly warm

18 hole Pairs Stableford Competition

To calculate the three-ball "pairs" score, the highest stableford score (Ken Hall's 31) and the lowest stableford score (Paul Donlevy's 29) were averaged (31 plus 29 divided by 2) to get 30, this was then added to the middle score of 30 from Michael Prevost to achieve the teams "pairs" score of 60 points.

Nearest the Pin (17th hole)
Matt Turvill (27)

Nearest the Pin on second shot (2nd hole)
Nick Thomas (18)